New for 2025

Get your free Shadow Work
Workbook now!

Transformation begins when you become free from the patterns of the past. Your 30-day journal for growth and discovery is here and ready to support your journey.

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    "Ian left us with the most lovely intentions for 2025..."


    Worcester, UK

    What you get:

    Your FREE 30 day journal workbook for you to reflect on a different aspect of your shadow self every day.

    What is it all about?

    I believe that the past should inform but not dictate your future.

    As children, ill-equipped emotionally and physically to cope with all that life throws at us, we formulate a way of moving through the world that avoids troublesome situations to feel safe, fed and loved.

    These avoidance strategies, while created with the best of intentions, become habitual and ingrained such that they define who we are and how we are meant to be. The trouble is that as we grow up and become more able to cope with the world, we are still “running” these old patterns that have gone well past their “best before” date.

    They hide in the shadows, unseen from conscious awareness, dictating your life as efficiently and effectively as possible. By bringing them out of the shadows and into the light, you can choose whether they are still serving you well or whether an alternative “pattern” would better suit your present and future path. This workbook is your internal beacon to kickstart that process of discovery, change, and growth back to the person you were born to be.